Thursday, April 15, 2010

You know what I'm talking about. Or maybe you don't. Either way, I don't care.

I don't normally work Saturday mornings, that's just how it goes. So, even though this Saturday morning in particular I happen to have a final exam to write, I didn't feel the need to inform the person that makes the schedule at work.
Silly me.
I should have known better then to tempt the fates like that.
Of course she ended up needing me to work the morning...and I had to weasel out of it, making me feel like a douche.
Some of you may be asking yourselves, and anyone near-by with telepathy, "Why the feeling of douche-tasticness Ryan? That's a perfectly good reason to not be able to make shift."others may be asking themselves "Why the fuck do we read this blog, this guy is boring as crap." Well. To that second group; I am rubber, and you are glue, so fuck off.
To the first group; I feel that way because there is a lot of irresponsible people at my job, and although I couldn't say for certain, I am pretty sure that they pull shit like that alllll the time. Or just not show up at all, which I see happen frequently.
I see this as causing the building of an adequate schedule to be a loathsome task. This manager does it every week, and I don't hear her complain about it. Good for her.
Since I think she already puts up with enough crap, I try not to send any of my own her way.
I think it's sad when I act as irresponsible as a 15 year old.

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