Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Adventures in Manliness

Today I had to go to 4 (4!) different stores just so I could find 'Real Black' Just for Men Beard and Moustache. I mean, is it that unheard of that a young man in the prime (I guess) of life needs to darken up the ol' beard (read: sketchy facial hair)?
No. That's the answer. No.

Crappy Natural Facial Hair

Now, I know what you're thinking; "Ryan, your face is the definition of beauty. Why change a single follicle?" Well, countless internet fans, I'll tell you why, it's because Moustaches are awesome. Let's do a quick re-cap of why:

Burt Reynolds
Tom Selleck
Chuck Norris
Alex Trebek
Billy Dee Williams
My Grandmother

Right. Now we have all been reminded that people with moustaches are awesome. Moving on.
So, Blog-ites (Probably not a word!) I will disclose to you that, yes, from time to time I like to pump up the awesome factor and throw in a little Just For Men to rock the 'stache. Much to the dismay of my F-bomb, who has been bribed with Cadbury mini-eggs.

Fucking Awesome Soon-to-be-moustache Potential      

I also did this the day before my University student ID pictures, so I could revel in it all year long. So for anyone who woke up today thinking "You know, I feel just a bit too cool. I wish there was a way I could knock that down a little." It's called Just For Men.
You're welcome.


  1. I am totally gonna try this.

    Now, for a more temporary effect, you could use C's mascara. Think of the color selection!

    Black, Very Black, Brown and Blue.

  2. I think she has glittery stuff too!

  3. Glittery, be careful if you use THAT. People will think you're Edward Cullen and try to ravage you.

    On second thought, maybe it's not such a terrible idea.

  4. Well, it would be awesome if I spent my time hanging around the high school meeting girls that constantly look like they want to vomit. Or cry. Or both.
    But as soon as I meet the Native kids (Who are clearly all werewolves) it would be bad news bea....uhh. Wolves.
