Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ringing in the New Year....with horrible horrible excruciating exercise routines. Yay.

Hello Unfaithful Blogites,

First, I'd like to mention that I don't refer to you as unfaithful in terms of being a blogite. I actually encourage you to read other peoples blogs because they are usually better than mine. It just means I assume you are all getting around. You know, throwing your "Hey Nana's" all over town (I get all my vagina euphemisms from Rihanna). Not the boys though, they are just extra cool for getting the sex. Double standards are fun!

Ok, on to the point; some of you that have been around for awhile may remember me deciding to try and lose a little weight last spring. I did a pretty good job, I managed to lose roughly 14 pounds in a couple months. Got myself down to 181. Then....I promptly fell apart. So badly apart that less than a year later (that's now!) I am at 198.
I'm my hero too.
Hold the applause.

However, the beginning of the new year and my impending nuptials have encouraged me to once again stop being such a fat mess. To aid me in this venture my step-brother, who I assume is always right because he's a fucking lawyer, has suggested I partake in a workout program called Insanity. Which yes, is truly insane. I'm also following the nutrition guide. Apparently diet and exercise go together. Who knew?

I started the program on Monday, prior to the initial Fit Test I took some before photos.
Don't worry, I won't force my shirtless body upon you.
But if you really want to see what I'm starting with check out my Tumblr.
That paleness is all natural by the way.

I'm going to put my initial measurements and the results of my fit test in here, for the few people that might be interested in seeing them.

Switch Kicks 72
Power Jacks 30
Power Knees 42
Power Jumps 10
Globe Jumps 3
Suicide Jumps 10
Push-up Jacks 9
Low Plank Obliques 9

Weight 198
BMI 30.1
Body Fat 30.1%
Neck 16"
Chest 43"
Waist 42"
Hips 43"
Right/Left thigh 22.5"
Right/left calf 15.5"
Right/Left bicep 13.5
Right/left forearm 11"

That was as of Monday prior to the fit test, tomorrow morning I will post my weight. There is also a fit test every two weeks, so I will post those results to see if there is any improvement. I figure after the first month I will take more photos, see if there is any difference.

Wish me luck.
Or don't.
In which case, fuck you.


  1. I blame kids for my weight gain. I'd starve myself all the time, but they want food. Then I want what they've got.



    Shit. He beat me to it.
