Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I should be sleeping. But I'm up thinking of you guys. GET OUT OF MY BRAIN.

Yeah, I really should be sleeping, but since I'm up...I might as well share with all you fine people (2 still counts as people...) the things I'm doing instead of sleeping.
Things like getting a Twitter account!(@BallsOutTweets)
Things like realizing I don't really know how to use Twitter!
Things like reviewing Smart Phones online!
Things like trying to follow people on Twitter that I think will make me seem coolest!
Things like realizing I've probably spent to much of my night on Twitter related activities!
Things like snacking!
Things like reading about why Zombies are even bigger suckers then I originally assumed they were!
Things like hearing my F-bomb sleep-whine from the other room and trying to guess what the hell she's dreaming about! (It's almost like a whimper...but more annoying.)
Things like watching awesome videos!

The Black Keys - Tighten Up - Official Video from Chris Marrs Piliero on Vimeo.

Things like Blogging!
Things like...uh-oh. I've actually now caught up to myself.
Fuck this. I'm going to bed.

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