Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I should be sleeping. But I'm up thinking of you guys. GET OUT OF MY BRAIN.

Yeah, I really should be sleeping, but since I'm up...I might as well share with all you fine people (2 still counts as people...) the things I'm doing instead of sleeping.
Things like getting a Twitter account!(@BallsOutTweets)
Things like realizing I don't really know how to use Twitter!
Things like reviewing Smart Phones online!
Things like trying to follow people on Twitter that I think will make me seem coolest!
Things like realizing I've probably spent to much of my night on Twitter related activities!
Things like snacking!
Things like reading about why Zombies are even bigger suckers then I originally assumed they were!
Things like hearing my F-bomb sleep-whine from the other room and trying to guess what the hell she's dreaming about! (It's almost like a whimper...but more annoying.)
Things like watching awesome videos!

The Black Keys - Tighten Up - Official Video from Chris Marrs Piliero on Vimeo.

Things like Blogging!
Things like...uh-oh. I've actually now caught up to myself.
Fuck this. I'm going to bed.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Tonight, at work, which is a movie theatre, this little showdown occurred between a guest* and myself;

Blonde Lady: "Hey handsome**, I was wondering which new movies came out this weekend?"

Me: "Well, our new movies open on Friday, so yesterday what came out was The Last Exorcism, and Takers. Also the special edition of Avatar, but that isn't technically new. I mean, 9 minutes of it are, but the rest isn't. Regardless, you probably saw it already, it was pretty much the biggest movie ever. No big deal. You should go see it again though for the extra 9 minutes. Did you see it in 3D?"

Blonde Lady: "Umm. Right. So which one of those two new movies is good?"

Me: : "I actually haven't seen either one, but that doesn't really matter. I can still tell you that they will both be horrible. I mean, The Last Exorcism, is a supposedly scary movie about an exorcism, and they try to get it all hyped up by throwing Eli Roth's name on there as a producer. But when it comes down to it they made it a 14A rating, how scary can a movie be if it didn't even get an 18A, you know? They just do that for money too, because a 14A film brings in the teenagers and that's where so much of the money is. Yeah, and Takers? Don't even get me started on that piece of junk! I mean, it's basically the movie Heat, except without any of the good things from Heat. They replace Al Pacino, Val Kilmer, and Robert DeNiro with Paul Walker, T.I., and Hayden 'Mannequin Skywalker' Christensen. It also has Chris Brown, and I think that alone is reason enough to never go see it. Plus the poster is terrible, that is the worst photoshop job I've seen in a long time."

Blonde Lady: "Uhh....so what is that second one about then?"

Me: "Bank Robbers."

Blonde Lady: "Oh, ok, I'll go to that one."

Don't you dare go see either of these films.
We won't be friends anymore.
For serious,
I'll kick you right off this blog.
I probably won't.
But still, save yourself the heartache and go see something good instead.
Also, here is that poster for Takers.

They look like Bobble Heads.
Bobble Heads would be able to portray more realistic emotions on film though.
*This is what employees of my particular movie theatre are required to refer to customers as. It's silly. Nobody would be offended if we referred to them as a customer.
**To the best of my recollection this is exactly what she said.

Friday, August 27, 2010

This place sucks. Sorry. Or not. Whatever.

Yeah. I missed you guys too.
Oh...you didn't miss me at all?
That's sort of a rude thing to say....
Whatever. I don't curr.....
Alright....I'm sorry! JEEZ!
Cut me some slack...I'm really lazy....
I know these summer months have been some what lacking in terms of posting, and I'm sorry for that.
The get this show back on the road though, I've spruced up the place a bit and put a new banner up. I'm pretty much a baller now with all that bling-blang going on up there.
My classes start on the 8th, so I'm sure I will have plenty of time in between classes to waste your time with things. In fact, on Tuesdays I have 6 and a half fricking hours between classes!!!
It may be the best schedule EVER.
In the mean time, here's a couple of things you should know about.

Movie Snob-ism
The Expendables made a butt-load of money since it came out.
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World did not.
I've seen both of these movies, and guess what? The Expendables sucked hard. Super Hard.
I was going into it thinking "Hey, this movie is going to have a terrible story, and terrible dialogue, but some top notch old school action." You know what? I love old school action. I miss the old days where people would use squibs and build awesome dummies to then chop in half. This is what I was so excited for!!
But then they didn't flipping do any of that.
CG blood spatter and CG knifings.
Are you effing kidding me? It wasn't even good CG, it was really cheap and bad.
Along with this is the fact that a majority of the fight scenes were filmed/edited into short, choppy shots, so much so that you can't tell if someone is fighting another person or maybe just doing some really intense Tae Bo.
My interpretation of this is that they made the movie with the expectation that it would be released as PG-13 (because that's where the money is kids!), but then decided at the end to "make it R" by simply adding some crappy blood and even lamer stabbing.
For shame guys, for shame.

Now, on the other hand, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World was soooo good.
I loved it.
My f-bomb loved it (even though she said it looked dumb and I forced her to go)
All my friends (Matt and Liz...that's all I have...) loved it!
My boss loved it!!!
Go see it.
Go spend copious amounts of money on it.
It is honestly a one of a kind film, with some very original ideas, not the story, obviously, it's based on a graphic novel. But the graphic novel was original!
It's a very funny, very entertaining film, and yet, it is losing out bad.

Last but not least; Piranha 3D.
Terrible in all the right ways. Just plain hilarious, go here and see most of the actors from the film completely mocking it. Good times.

Pure Awesome
Grant MacEwan University beer gardens!
To start the year off pretty much every post secondary institution does something, and this year two of my favourite local bands are playing at my school. If you are in Edmonton on the 9th and 10th come see Christian Hansen and the Autistics, and The Dudes!
Here's a little taste of the awesomeness.

You'll notice that I didn't curse at all this entire blog post.
This is because i've been getting some complaints from some of the readers (you know who you are) that I use too much vulgar language.
So, just for you, I cut back.
You're fucking welcome.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shatner is better than you are. Deal with it.

Guess what?
Avatar is coming back out with 9 more minutes of footage.
I'm a huge nerd so I'm going to go see it in Imax 3d.
I wanted to post this neat little video of James Cameron talking with a guy about the Cameron/Pace film system, which is the 3D camera system that he FRIGGIN INVENTED, but I can't get that video to work.
So you get this instead.
It's also a giant waste of your time.